Statement regarding our relation to FAU and IWA

Because of their strategy change towards hierarchical representation and increasing participation in co-management, a minority within the International Workers‘ Association (IWA) caused disruption and expulsions inmany cases.

This culminated in the abandonement of anarchosyndicalist principles by such groups as the CNT, FAU and USI. As these groups had violated internal regulations and started founding a parallel international, they were expelled from IWA at the Warsaw congress in 2016.

Since several syndicates did not go along with this change toward reformist policies, some of them had been expelled from FAU or left by themselves in the years 2002 and 2003, some of which now associated to found the „Anarchosyndikalistisches Netzwerk“ (Anarchosyndicalist Network) as an initiative with the aim to found a new IWA section in Germany.

For further information, please contact us:

Anarchosyndikalistisches Netzwerk (ASN Kassel and ASN Cologne), , 05.08.2017